The projects


The Vagabonds de l’énergie collective carries out travel projects on the theme of energy transition.

To date, four trips have taken place, and others are in preparation:




Antoine is planning a trip to Europe and Latin America. The purpose of this trip is to transmit the acquired knowledge as well as possible, and to contribute to the reflection on the energy transition.

Click here to learn more about it




Lise left in February 2019 for a five-month tour of Brazil to study the social and environmental issues of hydroelectric dams of different sizes.

Click here to learn more about it




Amina went on a trip to Latin America in 2018. The objective is to meet change agents working for the energy transition and to showcase their projects to inspire other citizens to get involved.

Click here to learn more about it



2016 – 2018

Clément and François take over and travel 18 months to study the place of the human being in processes of energy transition, with a sociological approach.

Click here to learn more about it



2010 – 2011

Arnaud and Robin, founders of the Vagabonds de l’énergie, travel from France to India to better understand the social and technical challenges of energy.

Click here to learn more about it




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