2019-2020 Antoine

The objectives:

This one-year study tour will provide an opportunity to seek answers to many fundamental questions about the energy transition and the different directions it can take. Here are the three main objectives that I have set myself for this project, in order to structure my research:

Target the potential of technologies developed for electricity production, storage and distribution, particularly technologies for renewable energy;

Study the technologies most likely to be accepted by citizens, in which contexts/conditions, and explore possible ways of impovement;

Classify these technologies according to the resources required for their implementation, the impact of the use of those resources, and the opportunities for local development.

For this purpose, three key words: openness, meeting and exchange.


The approach:

The purpose of this project is to transmit as much as possible the knowledge acquired, and to contribute to the reflexion on the energy transition.

The first step will be to collect information by visiting power generation sites, R&D centres and citizen energy projects, in order to meet the transition stakeholders and observe what is already being done in the field. This information-gathering will be also carried out through internet research, reading books dedicated to the topics in question, and simply by talking with people you meet on the road.

The second step will be the organization of this information in order to best reproduce the discoveries and the observations made during my meetings. To this end, articles supported by photos and interviews will be published on the association’s website and social networks. This feedback will be made in such a way that it can be understood by any interested person, without neglecting the substance of the subjects covered.


An alternative trip:

This solo adventure will be done on foot (with a backpack anyway!), using hitchhiking, carpooling and public transports to get around, as well as bivouac and accommodation in a local house for housing. These choices will aim to facilitate meetings with the locals, while limiting the impact of my trip on the environment.

I also chose this slower way of traveling, to have time to discover the multiple initiatives developed in the areas visited and to give away to the unpredictable, hoping to make grate encounters on the road!